A book can be displayed by downloading its contents to the device, or it can be displayed without downloading to the device to save disk space.

Book contents are downloaded.

When the contents of a book are being downloaded to the device, a storage icon will appear in the upper right corner of the book.
When you tap the storage icon, the content will be deleted from the device and the icon will change to “Cloud” mark.

When the content of the book has not been downloaded to the device


When the content of a book has not been downloaded to the device, the cloud icon will appear in the upper right corner of the book.
When you tap the storage icon, the content will be downloaded to your device and the icon will change to storage.

If you open the book in this state, the cover image of the section will not be displayed.

When you open a section, the content needed at that time will be downloaded and the section will be displayed.
After a section has been downloaded and displayed once, when you return to the book list and display the section list again, the thumbnail of that downloaded file will be displayed.

Revision: 1
Last modified: 16 January 2023