Tap the New button to display the menu for creating a new book.
Create a new book
Create New Book registers book cover, book name, and description.
Tap the image button to display the menu for the book cover.
Camera takes an image with the camera.
Photo Album_ selects a photo from Photo.
DefaultCover selects from 12 different images.
As an example, create the book name as “Sample” and the description as “Sample Description”.
Once created, the created book will appear in the book list. The book will be automatically synchronized to the server. To stop synchronization, turn off Sync to Server from the book’s information in the book’s operation menu.
Loading a book
To import a section, select a book file (.hbx file) exported from a folder, or from iCloud Drive in the case of iOS/iPadOS.
The selected book will be downloaded from the folder and loaded.
You can also specify a book file created with Handbook, but the following formats are not supported and will be invalid.
HTML section
Reading a QR code (iOS/Mac/Android only)
QR Code reading uses the camera, so please allow camera access if requested.
Scan the QR code of the shared book with your camera. Once scanned, tap Add Access Code.
Once the access code has been added, the book associated with the access code will be loaded.
As a sample, the Shared Book will be displayed.
Access code to confirm that the added access code is registered. To unshare the book, please delete this access code.