You must be a member of the Service Type Hadbook X workgroup to create a workgroup.
You can upgrade from Free to Workgroup Participant by clicking here.

Create a workgroup

Invite workgroup

Tap the Add button to create a workgroup.

Workgroups of Invite type are workgroups that require an invitation from the owner.
Enter a workgroup name to create it. In the sample, we create it as “Invite workgroup”.

When the “Invite Workgroup” workgroup is created, it will appear in the list.
Tap the Delete button to delete the workgroup.
Tap the Add member button to add a member to the workgroup.

Add “” member in the sample.

When you add a member, you will wait for confirmation. The member will receive an email invitation, and the invited member must accept the invitation by referring to here!

Tap the Delete button to delete the members registered in the workgroup.

Join workgroup

Tap the Add button to create a workgroup.

A workgroup of type “Join” can be joined by any member who knows the QR code.
Enter a workgroup name to create it. If you turn on auto-approval, members can join without the owner’s approval.

When a “Join workgroup” workgroup is created, it will appear in the list.
Tap the Delete button to delete the workgroup.

Tap the QR button to display the QR so that members can scan the QR code to join the workgroup.
Tap the Add member button to add a member to the workgroup.

Add a member “” in the sample.

When you add a member, you will wait for confirmation. The member will receive an email invitation, and the invited member must accept the invitation by referring to here!

Tap the Delete button to delete the members registered in the workgroup.

Revision: 2
Last modified: 22 June 2022